Privacy Policy Statement

The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong ("the Ordinance") provides individuals with the following privacy rights:
- To have their personal data collected in a manner which is lawful and fair and to be informed of the purposes for which the data are to be used;
- To consent to a change of use of the data;
- To have their personal data kept accurate, up-to-date, secure and for no longer than necessary;
- To obtain a copy of their personal data held by a data user and to require correction of any inaccuracy; and
- To ascertain a data user's personal data policy and practices.

Our Pledge
We pledge to meet fully, and where possible exceed, internationally recognized standards of personal data privacy protection, in complying with the requirements of the Ordinance. In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.

Data Protection Principles
Collection and Use of Personal Data
- We will collect adequate, but not excessive, personal data by lawful and fair means for the following lawful purposes:
- To process your orders and accounts held in our company;
- To conducting customer, product and service surveys;
- To send you an e-mail newsletter periodically on updates of LIVING STONE bookshop;
- To provide you with important information about the service that you are using, including critical updates and notifications;
- To make a site or service easier to use by eliminating the need for you to repeatedly enter the same information or by customizing the site or service to your particular interests or preferences;
- To provide better customer service to users;
- To handle customer complaints and enquiries;
- To make disclosure under the requirements of any law applicable; and
- For any other directly related matters.

- We will use the personal data collected only for purposes or directly related purposes for which the data were to be used at the time of collection, unless the individual concerned has given prior consent for a change of use or such use is permitted by law;

Types of Personal Data Collected
- For the purpose of facilitating the process of your order or bid, when you register or visit our website, you may be requested to provide personal data such as, but not limited to, the following:
- Log-in Name & Password
- Full Name
- Postal Address
- Gender
- Age
- Nationality
- H.K.I.D./Passport No.
- E-mail
- Phone
- Fax
- Education & Profession
- Occupations
- Income
- Religion
- Hobbies and leisure activities; and
- Other related products and services subscribed to.
- Your provision of personal data requested in this website is entirely voluntary. Without such data, it may not be possible to supply the service or carry out the transaction that you have requested.
- In addition, we will maintain a record of your product interests and purchases, to enable us to better understand your needs, to enhance your shopping experience, and to update you about our products, services and promotions.
- We may collect demographic and profile data from you from time to time and monitor the use and traffic patterns of the Site to improve the design of our Site and the products and services offered on our Site.

Accuracy and Retention of Personal Data
- We will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the personal data collected or retained are accurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are to be used.
- The personal data will not be kept for longer than is necessary.
- The personal data which are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they are to be used will be erased from the Company's electronic, manual, and other filing systems.

Security and Disclosure of Personal Data
- We will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that personal data held are protected against unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use; and
- We will not disclose any of your information in a way that enables you to be identified by an external party. We will not disclose your personal data until we have obtained your consent. You shall always have the option of not permitting such disclosure.

Access and Correction of Personal Data
Persons are allowed to access and correct personal data of which they are the data subjects and process any such access/correction requests in a manner permitted or required by law. The right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data. A reasonable fee may be charged for all data access or related requests. Photocopies of the data requested will only be provided upon payment of charges. The requester will be advised in advance of the charges.

Use of Cookies
When you visit our web site, we will record your visit only and will not collect any personally identifiable information (i.e. information that is about you and identifies you) from you unless otherwise stated. Cookies used (if any) in any part of our web site will not be deployed for collecting personally identifiable information. For your information, Cookies are small computer files that can be stored in web surfers' computers for the purposes of obtaining configuration information and analyzing web surfers' viewing habits. They can save you from registering again when re-visiting a web site and are commonly used to track your preferences in relation to the subject matter of the web site. You may refuse to accept Cookies (by modifying the relevant Internet options or browsing preferences of your computer system), but to do so you may not be able to utilize or activate certain available functions in our web sites, e.g. banner display may not be available.

This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to this Website. If you click on any advertisement or hyperlink linking to another website, you will leave our Website for another location. We shall not be responsible for the privacy and security practices or the content of such websites and you should always check the privacy policy of all websites you clicked in.

We reserve the right to revise, change or modify this Privacy Policy Statement from time to time at our sole discretion by updating this Privacy Policy Statement, posting or by inserting notices located on particular pages at this Website to that effect. Please remember to visit this page from time to time to review any amendments to the above Privacy Policy Statement and their effect on your use of this Website. Your continued use of this Website implies your acceptance to such amendments.

If you have any enquiries about this statement, please contact us by mail or via e-mail.

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