Our History
Founded in the summer of 1994, Living Stone Bookshop is a Christian publishing ministry registered in Hong Kong. We aim to provide Christian readers with high quality book shop service and good choice of books in order to carry on and promote the mission that our Lord Jesus entrusts to the disciples in the Bible, to preach the Gospel to the world, to edify believers and build up the body of Christ—the Church. In the last few years, we have extended our ministries to publishing, Bible talks, book fair and distribution..

Our Mission
The main mission of Living Stone Bookshop is to promote the Christian publishing ministries and spread the truth of Christianity through the distributing and retailing work of the bookshop. As to publishing, we emphasize the spiritual qualities of the books. And as to retailing, we put in energy to serve readers and customers the best we can. Living Stone aim to maintain to be a resourceful Christian store for shepherds, believers, students of the Bible and those who seek the Gospel of Christ.

Our Prospect
The goals we are trying to achieve is to reach out to readers, help them in reading and contribute effects to their spiritual growth. May God teach us to ask for His help and the strength from Him constantly. May we have the real quality of a Christian, so that we can channel supplies to other’s need. May we look unto the eternal hope that God has given us and serve Him everyday.

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