
Day 285

Jesus and the Leper

"And a leper came to him beseeching him, and kneeling said to him, 'If you will, you can make me clean.'" Mark 1:40

People have four differing opinions regarding miracles. The atheist says, "God does not exist, and therefore miracles do not exist." Others say, "God exists, but He is not actively involved in the affairs of people." Miracles can exist, but they don't. A third group argues that God wants to perform miracles; it is our lack of faith that prevents Him. "If only I have enough faith, the miracle will happen."

The fourth group reasons that God exists and that He does perform miracles, but He may not wish to perform them in any particular case. The leper coming to Jesus held this view. "If You want to, You can make me clean." He understood that Jesus might not want to. Jesus may say to him, "It is true that I can heal you, but I won't."

God obviously involves Himself in the affairs of people, else none would be saved. Therefore, Christ-ians fall into the third and fourth groups.

If you are in the third group, you blame yourself for all pain and suffering and make no room for the idea that tribulation has a beneficial side to it. If the only purpose for pain is to test the quantity of your faith in calling upon God to heal you, the presence of disease indicates the absence of faith. When calamity does strike, you will question the very foundation of your faith.

If you desire a healthy relationship with God, you must accept the possibility of His not wanting to heal you, group four. He may wish for you to go through the suffering for the positive influence it will have on you. In all probability you will never see the benefit this side of eternity, but you trust the goodness of God that such is the case.

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